Sacred Money

Sacred Money

As we have gotten lost from our authentic story and knowing our inner world, we have also confused the meaning of success. We have only to look at one of the more elegant offerings of late, mindfulness is being taken as a tool of productivity. Sacred human has been...
Where has the sweetness gone?

Where has the sweetness gone?

Historically, I’ve at least felt comfortable in my land. Even when arguing politics, usually handshakes would occur with the possibility of a hug. At least some type of closing honoring of each of us. I’ve been travelling through this land feeling not...
Say yes

Say yes

“Say yes, and you’ll figure it out afterwards.” Tina Fey When I was a teenager, my Explorer Pact needed to raise money for an upgrade to the falling down campground we used regularly. Suggestions came fast, yet they were the same as every other time....
The real meaning of “friend”

The real meaning of “friend”

You know those rare moments when a rush of warmth flows through your being? It can occur at any time. You feel filled up—as though you just finished a great meal. That is real friendship. Friendship is a sacred gift, not a thumbs up on social media. And I’m...